Saturday, June 03, 2006


Before going any further with my series on early Christadelphian history I really should acknowledge and thank my sources.

In addition to primary source material I owe a huge debt to Janet Stilson, an historian with the Church of God General Conference, for providing me with copies of rare periodicals from the period, and for information generally. The following articles have provided valuable details:

A Brief History of the Church of God General Conference
Janet Silson, David Graham, Mark Mattison
Journal from the Radical Reformation, Vol 1 No. 1, Fall 1991

An Overview of the Leadership and Development of the Age to Come in the United States: 1832-1871
Jan Stilson, M.A.L.S.
Journal from the Radical Reformation, Vol. 10 No 1, Fall 2001

The Development of the Church of God Abrahamic faith: 1845-1921
Jan Stilson, B.Th., B.S., M.A.L.S.
Journal from the Radical Reformation, Vol. 11 No 1, Fall 2002

The Publishing Heritage in the Age-to-Come Movement 1800-1985
Jan Stilson
The Restitution Herald, Vol 75 No 1, October 1985

I'm also indebted to Greg Demmitt, Pastor of the Lakeshore Bible Church, for information on the Christologies of Alexander Campbell and Barton Stone.

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